9 Review of Createful Journals


Anyone who has read a number of my posts and articles will know that I do like planners and journals, this company does provide a first class selection, all of which if memory serves have private label rights, so you can alter them to suit your particular taste, which then means that you can offer them to your clients, to sell and either make money or use as a lead magnet.

Not only journals and planners but also some first class training is available, some of it is free, did like the session on powerpoint. However let us look a little deeper into what Sue provides at Createful Journals, not neglecting to sample the freebies which she offers!


When I look at what is available, it appears that there are journals for just about every occasion, and if you needed a special one you can always take an original and make it up the way that you want to, am always playing with the originals to see what I can do with them.

There are Journals for the Autumn, Winter, Birds and of course Cats. Like planners below the list just goes on and on.

When I decide on a planner that I like, one of the first things that I do is, guess what? Alterate it just about completely, new colour scheme, re-word all the headings, alter the original title, add the appropriate website, and insert my copyright details.

Just gone a little overboard here, but I am sure that you get the message.


A truely huge array of planners are available, far too many to list but as a taster:

  • Family Meal Planner
  • Family Road Trip Journal/Planner
  • Daily Life Planner
  • Weight Loss Planner
  • School Planner
  • Re-build Your Life Planner
  • Family Memories Planner
  • Plus many. many more

You can of course alter these to suit your own taste and specialist subjects. More importantly, these are yours so you can sell them, adding an extra income stream to those that you already have, as you can of course do with the journals.  The image on the right has been altered by me, thus I can claim the copyright

Colouring Pages

Have used the title on purpose, as you can also buy/sometimes they are free pages that can be coloured. These are ideal for children and adults who like to colour in designs.

An example of the desgns available is on the left, this was free!

Have a book of designs which I have done almost ready to publish. It is simple (another free tip) gather together a number of these designs, insert them into a document (book), design a cover and title it, add your URL and away you go, this is a good free gift, especially if you have done your research on your list. Do they have children? Have you asked?

It is surprising how you can re-purpose some of the products that Sue sells.


Some very good training is offered, yes it costs, but it is worth it, having subscribed to a couple of them, not only do you get first rate training, done right you can end up making some serious money.

The courses that I have taken include:

  • Turn your content into Journals and Planners
  • Templates Course
  • Lets Get Published

In addition Sue also provides a number of free courses/tutorials these are also very useful and informative.

How The Products Can Help Your Business

Planned properly using material supplied by Createful Journals, you can actually run a complete business. It is the old private licensing rights thing again, you take a journal or planner and re-purpose it. Having done a couple, have given them to friends to evaluate and also to use as a loss leader, as I do need to know what people think of my efforts before I sell them, have shop in mind, do have the domain already, so that I can keep the brand name. So there you go not only an idea to make money but a very workable one. But like everything in this business you do need to put the work in too get the reward.

Amongst the other planners and journals that I have noticed is a Pregnancy One, Baby and Me which also comes as a bundle, in addition to the seperate Journal, Planner and Colouring Book. As I read this a thought comes to mind, this could be used as a free gift, should you know anyone who is about to have a baby, or family or friends, with your details in it this could become a very useful promotional gift for your business. Must be feeling generous another free business tip, whatever next!

Sue also offers some pretty awesome freebies as well, such as:

  • Thirty Days of Templates, Power Point Planner and Journal Templates, I do have these they are certainly very good and varied. Would actually be good value if you had to buy them.
  • Photoshop Course, ideal for newbies, this course is in the form of short videos and covers all that you need to know when using Power Point to re-purpose your planners and journals.
  • Swan Song Planner, you can download this planner for free
  • Daily Planner Sample, a free sample of the daily planner.

I also pay $5 a month to have her monthly Journal Prompts, these are well worth the cost. Each month you get:

  • New Templates
  • Prompts to use in your Journals, I save these up, then add them to my journals for the year, one for each day. (another tip)
  • The Month’s Events
  • It does depend on the month but other items are also included.
  • I notice that this January’s Prompts, include some bonus ones which are themed.

Bonus Prompts – January 2020

1. What are 3 goals you completed last year?

2. List 3 goals you didn’t get to.

3. What is your main focus this year?

Just copied three to give you an idea, not only could you use them, so could your list.

There was even some fifty plus fun words, which you could make into a crossword or word search puzzle.

The ideas that you can think of each month make this a superb addition to your collection, enabling you to add even more personal touches to your product.


Feel that you would be seriously missing out if you did not have a look at what is available, it does not cost to look and you could end up with some very useful freebies. They alone would be worth the time taken to investigate the site.

If it is not obvious, must point out that I am an affiliate of Grateful Journals.

As always do hope that you have enjoyed the article and taken advantage of the free offers. If you would like to comment we would as always love to hear from you. Your comments are appreciated and valued, as is the time that you spend in making them.

The next article is ” 10-Recurring Income”

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.





8 thoughts on “9 Review of Createful Journals”

  1. Hello, I have a bunch of journals and planners which I use for a variety of things including for work, home life, and I even have a dream journal to record my dreams/nightmares which often present some powerful insights into my subconscious. Without journals and planners I would lose track of everything and be so unorganized. 

    The tips laid it out is perfect and informative. Createful Journals definitely seem to offer something useful for journal enthusiasts like myself. You have given me some things to think about.

  2. I have never heard of training for keeping Journals.  

    Maybe I am confused.

     Are these journals online? How are they accessed? 

    You say in the article that journals are basically customizable and you can sell them yourself? How does that work exactly?  Just by changing an element in the page? 

    It is something to think about. 

    1. Sorry for any confusion.  There are two links on the article page.  One for some freebies, the other to see what is on offer.  The Journals are downloadable, you customise them in any way that you want to.    I change colours, headers, titles, even add new images.  Hope that this helps.

  3. I’m sorry, as I am a bit confused. Are these journals physical or just digital stuff? I mean, can I order the journals and have them ship to me within this week? 

    I need 10 of them as I am giving them out to our church youth members as a “give away” for inviting their friends and classmates to attend our church. It was a struggle to think of ways to excite them and participate in our “invite a friend” program. Upon seeing or reading this article, I now have an idea to add to our existing ideas. Thanks!

    1. Hi Gomer sorry for any confusion, these are digital products.  You can download them and print them out.  One idea might be to alter a journal and put your Church’s Name and details on.  You could on the right journal put a daily text.  Even images that are appropriate.  This is something that I never even thought off.  Suggest that click one or both the links and have a look.  You could be on a winner.

  4. Hello Edwin, I enjoy a lot while reading your 9 Createful Journals review and find it very helpful for everyone. Your guide helped me to start writing my daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. I recently writing my goal for this year and now converting them into monthly goal. Hope I will achieve my goals with your perfect guide. Now I have my time planner tool also. Your guide is very helpful for everyone. keep it up.

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